It can only damage a save file when clicking on "Save." If you want to be super-dooper careful, manually back up the save you intend to edit to a different directory prior to messing with it. I tried to do as best as I can to make sure it cannot corrupt saves but there is a remote possiblity that it can. Because it retrieves the name of the player from the file name, this software does not work on the autosave nor quicksave. You must space yourself out so that you will hit level 30 and still have the 15/17 points to spend otherwise you will get stuck in that dialog. Keep in mind that you must use all 15 (or 17) skill points every time you level up. The reason why I allow you to modify the level is to lower your level which, the next time you gain XP, it forces you to level up again. I haven't tried this as there is no real reason to. I do not recommend increasing your level status. Simply delete the modified save file and remove the ".bak" from the file name to restore your old save. If you save a game and try to open it in FNV and it behaves ackwardly (e.g. It backs up the selected save file everytime you click "Save" (the back up has. Once you finish that dialog, the level feature should unlock on future saves.

The tutorial ends when you run far enough away from Goodsprings to get the "Edit Character" popup. You can't edit the level of a character still in the tutorial.

I wrote this application to make it easier to modify S.P.E.C.I.A.L.