Elite four pokemon fire red
Elite four pokemon fire red

elite four pokemon fire red elite four pokemon fire red

(NOTE: I'm not sure if it's Gyarados.) Just keep using moves that are super effective and you'll win in no time! The second time he has a Tyranitar (very weak to fighting) and instead of Pidgeot, Heracross (very weak to flying and weak to fire). Exeggutor and Arcanine if you chose Charmander, Arcanine and Gyarados if you chose Squirtle and Gyarados and Exeggutor if you chose Bulbasaur. His other 2 pokemon depend on what you chose. His Alakazam has very low defence so Earthquake/Crunch would do well. His starter pokemon shouldn't be too much of a problem if you have a strong move that is good against it (Venusaur=Flamethrower/Ice Beam/Fly?, Blastoise=Thunder/Thunderbolt, Charizard=Rock Slide/Thunderbolt). His first pokemon is Pidgeot so your electric/water/ice pokemon that you used earlier would take it out easily.

elite four pokemon fire red

Your rival is the strongest trainer in the game (apart from you!) but with the right moves and pokemon, he can be a breeze. The second time around he has a Kingdra which only has a weakness to dragon type moves.

elite four pokemon fire red

His Dragonite's will be easy to dismiss with a level 50+ Water or Ice pokemon with Ice Beam. Lance's Aerodactyl is a rock/flying type and while it has a big weakness to Ice, Surf does more damage because of it's slightly lower Sp. While Thunder is good, Thunderbolt is more reliable because he may not use Rain Dance. The first pokemon he sends out is Gyarados who has a massive weakness to electricity and also happens to know Rain Dance. His dragon pokemon only have 2 weaknesses (dragon and ice) and they know a variety of moves that will annoy and destroy. A level 50+ psychic pokemon (preferably Alakazam) would be able to make this battle quick and easy. The Red/Blue/Yellow tactic of using ground types on the ghost pokemon is gone because of their characteristic Levitate but you can still use Psychic attacks to do maximum damage to all her pokemon. A high attack pokemon with fly should be able to take out his Machamp, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan but be careful, Machamp knows Rock Slide! Agatha is a ghost/poison trainer. Use water type moves to get rid of them in one go.

Elite four pokemon fire red